The internet of things is predicated on tiny, cheap, lower power computers being embedded in devices everywhere. However such tiny devices by definition have very little memory and computing power available to support user interfaces or extended servers, and so the user interface needs to be distributed over the network.
This paper describes techniques using standard technologies based on XML for creating remote user-interfaces for the Internet of Things.
Steven Pemberton. "XML Interfaces to the Internet of Things with XForms"
Presented at XML London 2015, June 6-7th, 2015.
All information about the XML London conference is open and available in Linked RDF format.
SPARQL Endpoint: http://xmllondon.com/sparql
Graph Store Protocol: http://xmllondon.com/data
Thanks go to Charles Foster and William Holmes for their contributions to the XML London dataset.
If you would like to contribute to the XML London dataset, please submit a Git Pull Request to https://github.com/cfoster/xmllondon-rdf
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