This 2 day conference covered everything XML, both academic as well as the applied use of XML and Semantic Web technologies in industries such as finance and publishing.
2015 Conference Proceedings
Download The Conference Proceedings for
the XML London 2015 Conference
2014 Delegates
Another good'un! See you next year!
Tom Hillman (Oxford University Press)Always interesting to hear how others are using XML. Looking forward to next year already!
Jenny Sherman (Nature Publishing Group)Once again an excellent conference, great presentations, great content, great social - many thanks to the organisers.
Philip Fennell (MarkLogic)Once again, a very interesting, educating and informative conference. It's been great meeting up with old faces and new for 2014.
Syncro Soft / oXygen XML Editor TeamThis has been a great experience. Excellent variety of thought-provoking talks.
Mark Dunn (Oxford University Press)Thanks for the great conference... and see you again next year!
Matthias Kraus (Xeditor)XML London '14: Celebrating tech, people and birthdays ... loved it!
Robbert Broersma (Frameless)My first time at XML London - thank you for the intellectual exchange.
Shirley Yager (Qualcomm Technologies)Lots of great people and ideas this weekend, all under one little label #xmllondon
Tom Grahame (BBC)Excellent setup. Interesting topics, lots to take back. Look forward to the next one!!
Nadeem Sharieff (LexisNexis)Thank you XML London. An excellent conference again.
O'Neil Delpratt (Saxonica)A superb conference serving the talent working with XML in London and the rest of the UK
William Holmes (Royal Society of Chemistry)A really great conference - a mix of luminaries and newbies, and great variety of presentations. I'll be back next year.
Paul Donohoe (Macmillan Publishers)Happy to be here for the 2nd year! Thanks to organisers, presenters & participants and hope to see you again next year.
George Bina (oXygen XML Editor)
Sister Events
Who should attend?
XML Developers - Worldwide
Semantic Web & Linked Data enthusiasts
Managers / Decision Makers
Markup Enthusiasts
Conference included
2 day event, lunches, conference dinner, demojam, conference proceedings at an all inclusive price of £249 + VAT.
The attendance for all of the above was free for speakers. -
Conference Site Archive
Programme Committee
- Abel Braaksma - AbraSoft
- Adam Retter - Freelance
- Charles Foster (chairman) - MarkLogician
- Dr. Christian Grün - BaseX
- Eric van der Vlist - Dyomedea
- Geert Bormans - Freelance
- Jim Fuller - MarkLogic
- John Snelson - MarkLogic
- Lars Windauer - eXist-db
- Mohamed Zergaoui - Innovimax
- Norman Walsh - MarkLogic
- Philip Fennell - MarkLogic