Being one of the leading publishing houses in the domains of tax, human resources and law in Germany, delivering large amounts of XML-based content to our customers is a vital part of our business at Haufe Group. We currently make use of several legacy and proprietary systems for this purpose. However, recent business needs such as the requirement for flexible transformation or complex structural queries push these systems to both conceptual and technical limits. Along with new business requirements derived from our company's business strategy, we are currently designing a new service that centrally manages our entire document corpus in XML. We term this service "Content Hub". In this paper, we sketch the architecture of this system, discuss important software architectural challenges and illustrate how we are implementing this system using standard XML technology.
Dr. Elias Weingärtner and Christoph Ludwig. "Engineering a XML-based Content Hub for Enterprise Publishing"
Presented at XML London 2014, June 7-8th, 2014.